How To Inspect Your Home For Bat Evidence And Bat Entry Points

Whether you are actively looking to get rid of any bats that you believe are living in your property, or are simply curious about whether these interesting animals are actually present, an inspection of your property should help to answer your questions. The habits of different species of bats can vary slightly, but most bats will leave tell-tale signs around the property that you can look for.

Bat Droppings And Urine

One of the easiest ways to spot that there is a bat infestation in your property is to look for the bat droppings. An accumulation of droppings at the base of a wall or a spread of brown specks on the wall itself is a strong indication that there are bats present. For those people who do discover bat droppings around their property, this will almost always be directly below the point at which the bats are entering the property. It is also possible to find a number of different bat entry points, as they will prefer to have multiple entry points to the roost where possible.

In some cases it is also possible to spot a bat entry point where yellow stains appear on the wall near the roof, and this will also usually be present directly below the entry point.

Typical Bat Entry Points To Look For

When carrying out a preliminary inspection of your property to look for evidence of a bat infestation, the main place to look is towards the top of the building. Depending on the size of the property it will sometimes require a ladder in order to get close enough to spot the entry points. Small cracks and holes around the top of the building will often be potential entry points, and damaged soffits are often the key offenders that allow bats access to the roof cavity. Loose roofing tiles and particularly barrel-style roofing tiles will often allow bats access into the roof cavity where they will roost.

Internal Examination Of The Attic Or Roof Cavity

If you believe that there is a possibility that there is a colony of bats living in your roof cavity or attic, then one of the best ways to verify this is to actually go into the attic. This is often the best stage to hire a professional to carry out the work for you, as proximity to bat droppings can lead to people contracting a quite severe respiratory condition called histoplasmosis. A professional bat removal expert will have the equipment required to carry out an internal inspection safely.

In the majority of cases where an individual does carry out an examination of the roof cavity, the bats will actually be able to hide themselves quite effectively. It is often the case that even a professional will only be able to estimate the size of the bat colony based on the damage and the droppings present.

Examining The Property At Dusk

Probably the best way of verifying that there is indeed a bat colony living in a roof cavity is to watch the roof at dusk, when the bats are naturally starting to wake up to go out to hunt. Watching the bats at dusk will be a great help for those who will be looking to get rid of the bats, as it can tell you more about the habits of the bats, and by looking up at the roof it will often be possible to identify further bat entry points that aren't visible during a daytime inspection.

Removing The Bats From Your Roof Cavity

Firstly, it is worth noting that it is illegal to carry out any bat removal work during the summer as this is the season when the mothers will be raising their pups. The maternity colonies are almost entirely made up of adult female bats with their pups, and these will have usually grown enough to fly independently by the end of August.

The work required to evict a colony of bats requires a significant amount of examination, and unless all of the bat entry points are spotted, then the bats will often use another point to get into their roost. This is why it is wise to hire an experienced professional who will be able to identify the points and carry out the required work to permanently get rid of the bats from your roof. 

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